
Based in Calgary, Meghan splits every last minute of spare time between painting and mountain adventures.

Meghan is a professional artist based in Calgary, specializing in watercolour and oils. Her artistic focus primarily revolves around figures and flowers, yet her portfolio encompasses a diverse range of themes, reflecting her versatility and love of storytelling.

Driven by a fascination with watercolour's capacity to imbue form without distinct edges, Meghan embarked on a dedicated exploration of various aspects of the human figure. This exploration revealed the potential for narrative within everyday life, with the depth and form of her subjects serving as the catalyst for compelling stories.

Despite lacking formal art education, Meghan eschews the label of being entirely self-taught. Her continuous learning journey spans a lifetime, enriched by insights gleaned from familial influences, immersive workshops, and guidance from mentors.

Although mountains do not feature heavily in my art practice, they do settle me and inspire me. They also allow me to take really beautiful photos. I hope you enjoy!